
Wednesday 1 April 2015

Where are we now?

Note: It has taken me almost a week to pen this post and the baby is still 6 months from arriving. Needless to say, this, in my mind, is already setting a precedence for how things will ultimately be. My blog posts may be like my morning sickness, a lucky surprise and you never know when it might come.

We're currently at 10 now 11 weeks. 12 more sleeps and then we will be heading for our first visit to the new OBGYN.

I have decided We have collectively decided that this baby will be born at Kloof Mediclinic, so I will now be seeing one of the gynaes operating from there.
Initially it was such a struggle to find a doctor there because almost all of them, bar this one, only take existing clients. They clearly make more than enough money to be able to afford to practice like that. I'm in the wrong industry. I should have thought of gynaecology from a money perspective instead the "touching other women's vajayjays perspective."

But be that as it may, we are making headway. Up until now, I have been in a bit of a dazed and confused state, so hopefully the fog around the brain will begin to lift and I can start making some serious plans. To be fair my baby brain seems to have gotten a little better. One day I typed in my cellphone number at Spar instead of my cheque card pin at the teller. I haven't done that again. I have left my car unlocked on numerous occasions. I've double booked doctors appointments. I've walked into the work bathroom with a tea cup and I've sat at green lights.

I'm still suffering from all day morning sickness, as noted above. Most days my prayers sound something like this:

"Oh Dear God, please help me. I pray for a supernatural miracle that this 20kph traffic will speed up so that I don't have either a) puke in the car or b) puke on the side of  the road in very congested traffic" 

This week the MS seems to be taunting me between 12 and 4, sometimes even longer. Last night I may or may not have been hanging over the toilet bowl crying while I managed to dry heave and squeeze out the most bitter tasting bile that makes you shudder uncontrollably. It is not pretty.

I have, between the last post and this post, moved to Centurion. This makes me now 8.9kms from work which is a massive weight off my shoulders. My petrol gauge hasn't moved in 4 days and I can leave for work at 7:30am as opposed to 6:30am. I also get home at 5:20pm as opposed to 6pm. This helps my mood greatly.

My food aversions don't seem to be getting worse. I'm still struggling with the chicken thing and the Chinese smell in the air seems to have disappeared too. Some days the smell of fruit is enough to send me running, other days not. My sense of smell is definitely about as crazy as my ex mother in law.

Since I have moved to Centurion, I have questioned whether or not I am capable of this motherhood thing. Somewhere in the neighbourhood (right outside my bedroom window I'm sure) is a day care. There is a lot of screaming and singing and badly played piano and trumpets at times. If I have to hear so and so sitting in a tree K I S S I N G, one more time, I might lose it. Because kissing most certainly leads to blogs like this and besides, you kids are far too young to be worrying about kissing in any case.

Also I would like to state in writing, right here and right now, that this precious baby will be my ONLY child. I made this decision about 3 minutes ago when I heard the neighbours 6 year old daughter scream at the top of her lungs and in her brattiest older sister voice to her 3 year old brother "you better find it otherwise you are not playing with me" - you can hold me to this statement.


  1. Oh no @ a noisy nursery school and noisy neighbour kids!!
    Welcome to Centurion. ;-)
    Kloof was a good decision! Ja flip, ditto @ being in the wrong industry, those doctors are coining it. Actually ridiculous.
    You're almost into second trimester. I really hope the MS will ease then!!

    1. I'm really praying I'm not going to be the neighbour with the noisy kid and then I'll have to come back with a post about eating my words....

  2. Lol, try not to let the nursery school scare you, you're only going to have one of those noise machines to handle, not 30 (thank goodness)!!! When you're the one who made the noise machine it isn't so bad, because, eventually at least, you learn what works to switch the noise buttons off, or at least turn them down a notch or two.
