
Thursday 9 April 2015


There is such a plethora of pregnancy information on the internet, it's very easy to overload the brain with unnecessary information and freak yourself out. I do this to myself quite easily.

So when I started having the most bizarre dreams, of course, my first stop was indeed Google.

I couldn't really find anything substantial to back up this weird symptom other than, blaming it on hormones. The poor buggers get blamed for everything.

I've had many dreams over the last 6 weeks. Some of them I remember, some of them I don't, some of them I do remember but then I promptly forget. Not willingly of course.

One of the recent ones was a trip to the Gynae, considering I have a pending appointment, this dream doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me are the most insane things that happened.

When I arrived for my appointment, I was left sitting up straight while I viewed the image of my baby head on. It was a boy. He was staring at me and he was struggling to breathe.

When we were done the doctor gave me a piece of paper from an exam pad with all his notes on it and sent me to the reception area to pay. A one thousand six hundred rand appointment had all of a sudden become six thousand rand. What the hell? After a massive fight with the two girls in reception, the one said "well you didn't have the massage and the pedicure so we will deduct two hundred and fifty rand"

What the ????

In the latest addition of "Michelles pregnancy nightmares" - I went to the loo and when I got there, there were 4  kit kat fingers placed neatly on the toilet seat...

Very odd, but I moved them out the way, and when I was done with my hourly pregnancy piddle, I flushed the chain and the toilet started vomiting chocolate all over the place.

I have been off chocolate during this trimester. I'm guessing this is why I would dream of chocolate vomiting toilets. Very sad for me. Very happy for my bum. This dream didn't help my slowly increasing distaste for this sweet treat.

I hadnt mentioned this to my mother and over the Easter weekend, she may or may not have shoved a Lindt chocolate bunny in my face, saying "here, eat this" - cue instant gag. #lols #lovemymother

I've been wondering if I should keep a Dream Diary for this particular time of my life, so when the chips are down, I can always go back and have a good laugh at myself.

It's probably just an excuse though to buy another notebook. You all know about my not so secret love affair with stationery.

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