
Monday 29 June 2015

How can you love someone you've never met?

Today I'm blogging from the comfort of my warm bed on this winter morning with the satisfaction of knowledge that the toilet is a mere 10 steps from here. 8 if I make 'em big. My 24 weeks baked son is kicking away reminding that this will all be worth it when he is finally here.

Anybody else with vomit enducing heartburn? Mix that with a little bug and you have a sure fire recipe for disaster. I haven't been sick in weeks. It's been great. Last week was I climbed out the shower, I gagged, a little odd, but thought nothing more of it. Yesterday morning, same thing. I put it down to making myself sick from blowing my disgusting snot filled pregnancy nose. (inflamed to the power of 10 sinuses is a real pregnancy symptom. trust me)... Then I started throwing up, at work of all places with a side headache thrown in for extra measure. Went home early and crashed on the couch feeling very sorry for myself... Went to bed early, woke up to get sick and man alive, I was scared.... when your heartburn is so bad and you throw up, it burns your stomach, it burns your chest, your throat and your mouth. It just burns everything. It is rather unpleasant.

There is nothing glamorous about pregnancy. I see how the celebs and a few others do it. Just this past weekend, I had been to the hairdresser, got me some fresh locks, looking goooood. Saw my mothers neighbour.... "Oh you are looking fantastic" she said. "Oh thank you, pregnancy is wonderful" I said with a smug smile. See? I can also pull it off. But... behind the scenes, you're crawling on all fours and some days, you're just so darn exhausted (and the baby isnt even here yet) you've just mustered enough energy to brush your teeth, never mind your hair or anything else. No ones going to see you anyway while you hide out in your little baby cave.

Just the other day, S was sitting on an ottoman and I was straddling him (in a non Mills & Boon way) while he meassaged my lower back. I didnt realise how sore it was until he was rubbing that tension right out... Having a stomach puts some serious strain on you. I couldnt imagine having that all the time. Jeez. #notetoself: make sure you dont get lazy post-partum and get exercising.

I don't know why pregnancy is a real breeze for some and not so real breezey for others. Maybe their balls are bigger, who knows, but, what I do know, is that, somewhere a long the line, the roles are reversed and we wait patiently for that day. It's like gravity, physics, the law.... you can't get away from it.

Anyway, so where are we now, what have we been up to?

There are times where I could have been blogging, but I've been eating, sleeping, squirralling away baby items, getting ready for my harvest. My collection of all things cute and baby is growing by the day. Blankets and little clothes, bottles, nappies, little baby hangers. You know you're pregnant when you look at prams, cots and baby things, the same way you would eye out hot men. Sigh

We went and got the pram and cot 2 weekends ago. Damn expensive transport for a little human being. Like S says, baby making is an expensive hobby.

We have a scan coming up on Friday and then we have our 4D scan in a few weeks from now. I'm so excited for that. I cant wait to see my little boys face. I love the fact that he only kicks for his mama... it's our little thing. He responds when I tap my tummy and he hides away from everyone else. The first time I saw how my stomach moved from side to side and up and down it really freaked me out, but now I love it. Even now as I type this, my stomach has a heartbeat of it's own. I am absolutely in love and so in awe of Gods creation. There is nothing in this world that can top this! I am so in love with this little person, I cant wait to meet him.

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