
Wednesday 20 May 2015

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged


 Michelle:  May I rant?
 Michelle:  Yes, yes you may, this is your blog after all
 Michelle:  Why thank you.

On Saturday I penned a post and then thought better of publishing it, for a lot of reasons, but mainly because I didn't want to feed the troll, so to speak, and I knew that my words would be like throwing fresh meat right into the lions den. Me being the fresh meat, the ugly world of cyber bullying being the lions den. (in case you didn't get that)

Aside from that, I haven't blogged, because I'm not in the right headspace this week. And then, aside from being super tired at the moment there are one or two things have been working on my already grated and hormonal nerves and call me sensitive if you want but man, since being pregnant I have realised how so many people are damn selfish and everything is about "me me me".

No doubt I was a little like that before I had a life growing inside of me, but since the day I found out about my pregnancy, I, myself, have definitely felt a shift in the way I think and feel towards others.

Is it a natural and automatic shift that happens when you find yourself naturally thinking about others first because that's what you would do with you child? I know mine is only 18 weeks baked but my unborn child, and everything that goes with it is at the forefront of my mind with every moment of every day.

Maybe it's like they say - "do unto others as you would like done unto you"

So with that being said, what gives people that sense of entitlement that they feel they have a right to question my motives? Because, I can absolutely guarantee you that, it wouldn't sit well with many people, if I second guessed every single move they made? An incident to the tune of this exact scenario played out not so long ago and you can only guess who came off second best.

Then this morning, something small, but absolutely relevant to this rant happened and which ultimately set this post in motion.

Mostly, I have managed to master the art of doing what I see very few people can do, judging and throwing my silent opinion around inside the confines of my head. It is not okay to criticize and judge people for their decisions.

There should be a 12 step programme for people who love to be judgemental and critical but cannot handle being on the receiving end of it.

Before you judge someone, think about what you are saying. Who cares why I am doing what I am doing? How is that of any importance and relevance in your life pray tell?

I have now made up my mind that I will not be discussing anything with certain people, and even if they ask, I've got skills, I will easily brush you off like a rogue breadcrumb.

Your judging, questioning, criticizing self entitled manner makes your more asshole that hero #justsaying

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're feeling better today my friend! Don't let people get to you, please! Not worth stressing yourself out like this. Mwah! xx
